Effortless Exploration of Versa Note

Today, we’re thrilled to introduce an improved setup process for new Versa Note users (available starting in v1.4.0). We’ve revamped the onboarding process and included a sample template that requires no initial setup, making it easier than ever for new users to get up and running adding drawing notes in SolidWorks.

In previous releases, getting started with a Versa Note trial required several steps: users would request a free trial license through the CAD Innovations website, download and install the application, download the sample template, point both the Note Builder and SolidWorks add-in to the sample template… there were many hoops and it was potentially intimidating, or possibly too much effort for busy professionals. That’s why we’ve taken extra care to streamline the setup process for Versa Note.

We understand that your time is precious. That’s why we’ve included a sample template that lets you jump right into Versa Note without any hassle. Here’s how it works:

  1. Start by downloading the Versa Note app from CAD Innovations. Once installed, open SolidWorks to begin.
  2. When the add-in loads, you’ll be greeted by a simple registration form. Enter your email, confirm the code, and your trial will be activated (no credit card required).
  3. A welcome screen will recommend several options, first on the list being the option to proceed with the sample template. This template is pre-configured with basic notes and default settings to allow you to get started right away.
  4. Once you launch Versa Note from within a SolidWorks drawing, adding standard notes from the provided sample list is as easy as one click.
  5. After you’ve tried it out, you can customize the standard notes and settings at any time, or even create a new set of notes from scratch, with the included Note Builder application. The template file can then be shared across your team of designers for better consistency and control over drawing notes while enabling the flexibility to communicate the unique requirements of your designs.

And there you have it. The hoops have been removed, no need to jump through them. With Versa Note’s included sample template, it’s faster and easier than ever for new users to explore Versa Note’s many features. We want Versa Note to be the go-to drawing note application, and we’re constantly adding new features; this streamlined onboarding experience is only the beginning.

Download Versa Note today!