Versa Note Release Notes


  • Added database logging of analytics
  • Added toast notification to fix error when no file open
  • Fixed missing Versa Note icons in SolidWorks command manager and tools menu
  • Fixed issue with installer failing to register DLL
  • Suppress post install error notification (need to determine reliability)


  • Added check for template file exists to fix errors if template path not found.
  • Added email input window for free trial when no email found in registry
  • Added failed DLL registration handling
  • Added option to enter license key before activating trial.
  • Added option to enter license key before activating trial
  • Added stack trace line numbers to Serilog warning & error messages
  • Added toast notifications for version check & license warnings
  • Improved table insertion time for large note tables in SolidWorks drawings.
  • Improved table insertion time for tables with flag notes
  • Only show new version notification every 5 launches.
  • Removed async license check methods
  • Removed async license check methods
  • Replaced flyout with toast notification on submit diagnostic report
  • Updated trial activation email subject
  • Store user entered email in registry for future use by Admin app
  • Other minor fixes


Admin app:
  • Added ability to import notes from Excel with assigned categories
  • Added auto-refresh when field editor is closed
  • Added column offset setting
  • Added option to send diagnostic report
  • Added drawing template specific default category functionality
  • Added placeholder text and buttons to show next note field for improved UI clarity
  • Added help text to Settings tab when Drawing Templates have not yet been added
  • Added setting to ‘Allow Users to Reposition Note Tables’
  • Align buttons across Settings tabs
  • Auto-add dwg template after browse
  • Collapse un-populated columns to reduce DataGrid width (thus hide horizontal slider) when note segments are empty.
  • Improved load time of Versa Note due to time consuming user email check
  • Move enterprise icon from QR tab into QR tab settings
  • Fix freeze issue when license activation window is opened
  • Re-organize drawing template settings
  • Store last load time in usage stats
  • Updated appearance of remove template button

SolidWorks Editor:
  • Added drag & drop functionality
  • Added missing GTol context menu items for segments 3, 5, 7 & 9
  • Added ‘reset note position’ drop downs
  • Fixed ListView item width (using collapsed instead of hidden for optional field indicator)
  • Fixed issue with loading segments for non-null fields 6 & 8 and non-null static segments 5, 7, 9
  • Fixed issue with disabling Editor note lock icon
  • Fixed preservation of existing note table column widths
  • Improved load time of Versa Note due to time consuming user email check
  • Prevent note tables from being re-positioned automatically
  • Removed admin mode setting
  • Retain visibility of column 1 of subsequent tables (for case where user wants to hide note numbers)
  • Updated drawing note insert method to zoom to sheet instead of to fit
  • Updated tooltip for custom notes to provide relevant info
  • When table is not anchored, set anchor point to top left (so that this is the origin from which position is calculated)


  • Added async license check for certain SolidWorks calls
  • Added link to Drawing Templates tab from QR template list in Admin application
  • Added option to omit preserved note numbers from drawing
  • Added usage tracking and option to share statistics.
  • Added annotation view index numbers to list
  • Enabled ‘Continue Sequence’ for model annotation views
  • Extended trial period to 90 days.
  • Fixed default population of drawing template settings in Admin application
  • Fixed note table position update in admin mode
  • Fixed auto-capitalization of imported notes
  • Fixed bug where notes were added to bottom of list when ‘Reverse’ setting was enabled
  • Fixed bug that saved null XML data to 3rd party storage
  • Fixed Editor listview item width (using collapsed instead of hidden for note segments)
  • Fixed bug with note numbering in annotations when notes are locked.
  • Fixed bug that allowed re-ordering of existing notes when notes are locked.
  • Fixed bug preventing linked flags from being added on close of Editor.
  • Fixed duplicate annotation views in list when multiples exist in model
  • Fixed error when no annotation views exist in model
  • Fixed crashes if user tries to remove notes when none exist
  • Handle Excel file in use during import
  • Increased minimum width of Editor window
  • Update QR code size and positioning regardless of admin mode setting