Archives: FAQs
Why don’t I see the Versa Note add-in in SolidWorks?
If you have installed Versa Note but don’t see it in SolidWorks, our installation troubleshooting guide provides a comprehensive list of troubleshooting steps to help address common issues.
Why is the Save button disabled in the Versa Note Admin
application?There are several reasons the save button may be disabled in the Versa Note application. When you launch the application, you should see a flyout message; hover over the ? icon for additional details. If you have just installed Versa Note, a trial license may not have activated yet. To create a trial license, open…
I deleted a note from my template by mistake. How can I get it
back?Drawing notes deleted from the Versa Note Admin application remain in the template in the event that they are later required. To retrieve notes from the template, select the Recycle Bin tab where any deleted notes will be shown. Select the checkbox next to the note you wish to retrieve and click the clock icon.
Why do my Drawing Template changes not take effect
immediately?When setting up Drawing Templates in the Versa Note Admin application, you may wish to tweak a setting and see it reflected on a drawing immediately with the Versa Note Editor ‘Preview’ button in SolidWorks. In order to maintain drawing note positioning, however, certain settings are not updated on the drawing until the notes are…
What is the difference between the various licenses? Which license
tier is right for me?An Individual license is ideal for solo designers looking to improve the efficiency and accuracy of SolidWorks drawing notes. It provides access to many of the great features of Versa Note, including customizable notes and categories, for a very low cost. The standard individual license includes 20 customizable notes and 5 categories, with additional notes…
How do Versa Note licenses work?
Each user of Versa Note requires a license and an internet connection. When the license is activated on a workstation, it is tied to that workstation. If you wish to transfer your license to a different machine, you can de-activate and re-activate the license. If you are unable to de-activate your license for any reason…
I’ve just installed Versa note… now what?
If you are new to Versa Note, the first step after installation is to open any SolidWorks document and launch the Versa Note Editor in SolidWorks. Select Tools -> Versa Note -> Versa Note Editor or select the Editor icon on the Versa Note tab in the SolidWorks Command Manager. When prompted, select ‘Proceed with…
Can I modify template notes with an Individual License
Yes! You may add up to 20 template notes and 5 categories with an Individual license. There is no limit on custom notes added through the SolidWorks Note Editor interface. You may also purchase add-ons such as additional template notes and categories.
What is Versa Note?
Versa Note is the SolidWorks add-in to put an end to drawing note errors, omissions and inconsistencies without the rigidity of static notes. Versa Note allows you to set up and share highly customizable drawing notes, with data entry fields and drop-down selections enabling those users to configure the notes before adding to their drawings.…
How does the free trial work?
Just download and install Versa Note for a 90 day free trial period – no credit card required.